Lizzie Collingham : “Confessions of a Reluctant Food Historian” (21/02)

Lizzie Collingham (Cambridge) : “Confessions of a Reluctant Food Historian”, le jeudi 21 février 2019 de 17h30 à 19h30. Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris 6e , salle D421

It won’t be a conventional academic paper as Lizzie Collingham is not a conventional academic but instead she will muse about food as a potentially innovative way of approaching history and also as a way of reaching a wide audience. She will do this using examples from her books: Imperial Bodies, Curry, The Taste of War and The Hungry Empire.

Discutant : Denis Saillard, Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ).

La séance est organisée par CREW (Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle), en partenariat avec Sorbonne Université (HDEA & Centre Roland Mousnier – UMR 8596), l’Institute of Historical Research (Londres), AGORA (Cergy Pontoise), le CREA (Paris-Nanterre), le LARCA-UMR 8225 (Paris-Diderot) et l’Institut universitaire de France.

Diane Purkiss: “English Food: An Awful History” (13/12)

Diane Purkiss, de Keble College, Oxford, présentera sa communication “English Food: An Awful History” le jeudi 13 décembre de 17h30 à 19h.
Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris 6e , salle D421

Résumé :

“This paper explores the history of English food, and argues that while other European foodways are based on the du terroir importation of regional foods into the capital cities, English food is rather a series of imports from entirely other cuisines, first Arabic, then French, Indian, and Italian. Beneath this ever-changing marketplace of the partially understood and the cheaply reproduced, a few stubborn preferences are retained across the years, preferences for very spicy foods, white sweetness, and salt with sourness. And there is also a substrate that is still visible in real ale and Marmite, Yorkshire Gold tea and clotted cream, for very dark umami foods like Gentleman’s Relish and venison once enjoyed by the upper classes, the club foods of London.”

Discutant : Dino Meloni (Université de Tours)

Contact : Sandrine Parageau (